Extensive Features for Markups and Annotations
With eDocView users have the possibility to provide text-based and graphical markups and annotations on the document in a simple and intuitive way. All information about the author (user), date and time will be retained.
By default, eDocView offers the following text-based annotations …
- Simple text
- Text stamp
- Note annotation
- …
… and the following graphical annotations.
- Line, ellipse, rectangle
- Picture annotation
- Freehand
- …
All markups and annotations can be applied in the same way to all supported raster, PDF and office formats. In this way, the employees of your company can intuitively edit all existing document types with different types of annotations. We would like to meet the individual requirements and the needs of your company. In this way, user-defined stamps can be implemented easily and with a reasonable effort, which simplifies your workflows.
Markups and annotations in eDocView at a glance
- eDocView provides text-based and graphical markups and annotations that are easy and intuitive to use.
- All comments, stamps and annotations are stored in a separate file. In this way the integrity of your documents is maintained at all times.
- Information about the author (user), date and time are retained.
- Different markup types are applied to all supported raster, PDF and office formats in the same way.
- New developments are possible at any time to meet the individual needs and requirements of your company.